
SL TrafficCalmingThumbTraffic Calming Plan - click to enlargeThe 2024 Parish Meeting will be held at the Village Hall at 19:30 on Monday 11th March.  It is a statutory requirement to hold an annual Parish Meeting at which parishioners can discuss issues relevant to the village.  If you want to come to the meeting then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that we can provide appropriate seating.   We will answer questions on the items below, Please also let us know if there are other items that you would like on the agenda.  

Traffic Calming & speeding

In June 2023 we paid £22,000 to NCC to implement the Traffic Calming that was discussed at the 2023 Parish Meeting.  We are very disappointed that NCC has not yet given us a start date for the works and raise this regularly with our NCC Cllr.

The main points of the proposal are (see the plan) - 

Some parishioners have requested that a zebra crossing is provided where the dropped curbs are at Sinclair Close due cars parking there at school times.   NCC Highways have dismissed this proposal as being too expensive. Unfortunately, every change to the road requires an expensive legal process to be followed.

In response to complaints from parishioners, the PC suggested that the 40mph speed limit on the B1108 should extend from the roundabout to the Stocks Hill junction and to include the Green Lane junction - this request has been rejected by NCC Highways as not being justified.  The recommended visibility on a 50mph road is 160m - Green Lane only has 80m visibility to the roundabout - less if a car is parked in the entrance to the garden centre!

Lorry Traffic

HGVs passing through the 7.5t weight restriction on Burnthouse Lane are an ongoing source of complaint. 

2023 VCHAPClick for link to Local Plan at SNC - map and site assessment

Local Plan 

See the 2023 article.  The amendments to the Local Plan have been accepted by the inspectors, more detail about what is planned for further development at Elm Farm is expected at some point.  It is hoped that off road parking for school drop off will be included.

Other matters 


We are a small council but with as big a workload as larger councils - our facilities at the Village Hall and Playing Field are used by many from outside the village.  We are always open to offers of help from people who are prepared to deal with suppliers, contractors and council officers!   We get an overwhelming amount of information to pass on and would like help from people who are comfortable with computers and social media.   Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or come to the Parish Meeting.